Operation Prayer Wall

Operation Prayer Wall

As I look out my window to the west, a shy sun is beginning to peek through the subtle clouds just beyond the rolling hills of Oregon's wine country. God had a plan when He created this great nation. An array of beauty in all forms. God's plan has been challenged by some and forgotten by many throughout the generations but one thing stands true: God's promises and His word are never ending. What God had planned for America has not gone to the wayside and has not been forgotten. There is a remnant of believers eager to see Heaven on Earth and set

America back on the foundation she was created on. To do so, we must partner with God's will for America in prayer to see it through. After hearing Tim and Dutch Sheets, prophetic warnings and call for prayer over America in the coming months, I couldn't sit idle without doing something! Operation Prayer Wall is a way for us all to be praying over our city, state and nation united and powerful with Prayer Prompts, Prayer Calls and more.

Follow @PrayerDoves on Instagram and don't forget to follow Dutch and Tim Sheets for daily updates on GiveHim15 or on YouTube at Oasis Church. Dutch has created a movement to 'Paint the Borders' of your city/ state and you can stay updated with your state HERE. 

Here are a few ways to join us! 

I've put together a variety of decrees to pray over yourself, your family, your home, city, state and nation. This way the borders are covered and we are releasing God's Word in a united and mighty way! You can download the Prayer Guide and Prompts at the link at the bottom of this page. 

Another way to be encouraged and join us is for a virtual prayer call where we will offer some prayer tips, any prophetic insights and pray together over our nation. 
Join us for that on Wednesday, August 23rd at 6:30pm PST. Link will be emailed the day of but make sure you download the Prayer Guide to be added to the newsletter.
Now is not a time to just scroll and think it's a good idea BUT to put your faith into action and believe for more. Believe God is who He says He is and to see Heaven on Earth. We are walking into some unknown times but with God we do not need to fear or be shaken. We stand on His Word and His promises and declare the victory throughout the nation! 
Be bold and courageous in the Lord. 
Click link below to get your prayer guide and prompts to get started! The more you share with friends and family members, the more people we will get praying, so if you share on social please tag us @prayerdoves and or #OperationPrayerWall. 
Blessings to you!